Quel magnésium choisir ? Le guide complet November 30, 2024 Le magnésium est un minéral essentiel à de nombreux processus vitaux, mais avec toutes les formes disponibles sur le marché, il peut être difficile de savoir laquelle choisir. Bisglycinate, malate,...
6 remèdes naturels contre l’anxiété November 28, 2024 L’anxiété est devenue une compagne fréquente de notre vie, impactant notre bien-être quotidien et notre qualité de vie. Si vous ressentez souvent du stress, de l’agitation ou une inquiétude constante,...
4 types de calmants naturels pour les nerfs ! November 25, 2024 Vous sentez-vous parfois submergé par le stress ou l'anxiété ? Cherchez-vous des solutions naturelles pour apaiser vos nerfs sans recourir aux médicaments ? Dans cet article, nous vous présentons quatre types de...
Vertige : fatigue, stress… comment lutter contre ces symptômes ? November 22, 2024 Vous êtes-vous déjà senti soudainement désorienté, comme si le sol se dérobait sous vos pieds ou que le monde autour de vous tournait sans cesse ? Ces sensations de vertige...
Maux de ventres dû au stress : 5 conseils pour déstresser November 19, 2024 Vous avez souvent des maux de ventre sans raison apparente, surtout lors des périodes de stress intense ? Vous n'êtes pas seul ! Les douleurs abdominales liées au stress sont courantes et...
Pourquoi faire du yoga pour son corps et son esprit ? November 14, 2024 Et si une seule pratique pouvait améliorer votre bien-être physique, mental et émotionnel ? Le yoga offre bien plus que des postures physiques. C'est une approche holistique qui vise à harmoniser...
Iron deficiency and anxiety: link and solutions! November 05, 2024 Iron deficiency is a common health problem that can have a significant impact on physical and mental well-being. In addition to its effects on energy and physical performance, a lack...
Treating Anxiety with Herbal Teas November 04, 2024 Anxiety is a disorder that affects many people, and the search for natural solutions to relieve it is increasingly common. Among these solutions, herbal teas stand out for their soothing...
Stress and the immune system: links and solutions October 31, 2024 The link between stress and the immune system is an increasingly studied topic, due to the often harmful effects stress can have on overall health. As the body's defense mechanism,...
What are the best anti-stress supplements? October 28, 2024 Stress is a part of our daily lives, whether it is due to work, studies, or personal relationships. Although it is a normal reaction of the body to face challenges,...
The Best Pills for Anxiety: Prescription and Nonprescription October 25, 2024 If you’re looking to understand how to better manage your anxiety, this article will provide you with a practical guide to the best medications available, both prescription and non-prescription. Whether...
Marine magnesium treatment: is it the best? October 22, 2024 Magnesium is an essential mineral for our overall health, but did you know that a magnesium deficiency can lead to various disorders such as stress, fatigue, or muscle cramps? To...
Homeopathy to improve your sleep October 16, 2024 If you suffer from sleep disorders, you are not alone. Insomnia, night waking or unrestful sleep can greatly affect your daily well-being. This article aims to enlighten you on a...
17 Tips to Treat Anxiety Naturally October 04, 2024 Anxiety can disrupt quality of life when it becomes persistent. This article offers 17 natural tips to ease anxiety symptoms without resorting to medication.
Stress-Related Digestive Disorders: Symptoms and Solutions October 01, 2024 Stress is often discussed for its mental and emotional effects, but it also impacts our physical health, especially that of the intestines. Stress-related digestive disorders can become disabling if not...
Intestinal flora: the secret to optimal health April 15, 2024 The intestinal flora is made up of billions of bacteria and lines our intestinal mucosa. We host this flora and have powerful connections with it for our overall well-being.
Sagging cheeks, sagging skin: is hyaluronic acid the solution? April 15, 2024 We have heard a lot about hyaluronic acid in recent years. Widely used in the cosmetic industry, in anti-wrinkle face creams, it is currently enjoying its heyday with injections in...
Turmeric: magical spice with multiple benefits? April 15, 2024 Discover in this complete article curcumin, the active molecule of turmeric, how to properly assimilate it and in which cases to use it.
Seasonal depression: light and health in winter December 07, 2023 Sad and gloomy mood, lack of motivation, shortening days can be synonymous with seasonal depression. Lack of vitamin D, magnesium deficiency and lack of light can explain the phenomenon. Our...
Liver problem November 12, 2023 The liver is a major organ of digestion, but not only that. It also manages the metabolism of nutrients, the storage of certain vitamins and the treatment of toxic waste...
How do you sleep when you can't? November 12, 2023 Our sleep is precious but fragile. Annoyances, a noisy environment, overactivity of the brain and falling asleep can then become the ordeal of the combatant. How do you sleep when...
How to fight fatigue? November 09, 2023 Fatigue is a complex concept because it calls upon our feelings and cannot be measured. I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, I'm at the end of my rope, I have no...
What diet after sport? November 08, 2023 The diet of athletes generates in the collective unconscious full of clichés like: a good plate of pasta after training is ideal and full of protein to build muscle, gain...
Anti-inflammatory foods November 01, 2023 It heats up, it stings, it burns, it swells, it’s hot: it’s acute inflammation! It can occur anywhere, you know all these -itis diseases which sign inflammation: otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis,...
Foods that weaken the immune system October 30, 2023 The immune system is the beating heart of our health. It is he who defends us against attacks: viruses, bacteria for example. It is important to pamper him to have...
Stress management: a whole story that we are going to tell you! October 14, 2023 How to better manage your stress? Ouch, already the injunction to “manage” is stressful. However, stress is natural and understanding how it works can help us tame it. In this...